Excerpt from "Liberty's Tyranny"

LIBERTY'S TYRANNY Read the entire book HERE
"The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible, without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc."
— Jerry Falwell, Finding Inner Peace and Strength.
Did you know that human beings used to ride on dinosaurs?
Bottom line: Liberty University teaches students that the world was created in seven days, that evolution is hogwash, and that the consequences for disagreeing with this stance are harsh, both in this world and the next one. (Just wait till we get to their situational relativistic stand when it comes to sanctioning kidnapping, if it involves taking a little girl away from her gay mother. Go, RICO!)
And if you doubt that all of this is so, the above facts about Liberty University and its stance on evolution are perhaps the most ubiquitously corroborated set of facts I have ever found on the world wide web. Even its founders and practitioners shout it from the mountaintops:
“We with God’s help, want to see hundreds of our graduates go out into the classrooms teaching creationism - of course they’ll be teaching evolution - but teaching why it’s invalid and why it’s foolish, and then showing the proper way and the correct approach to the origin of the species.”
—Jerry Falwell, 1982
“Satan has fathered this monstrous lie of evolution, for he is the father of lies.”
—Henry Morris
Once upon a time, a kid named Kevin Roose, who was a sophomore at Brown University (a liberal institution, to say the least), decided to switch gears in a most radical way, and transfer to Liberty University, the world’s largest evangelical Christian college.
From his website: “Hoping to connect with his conservative Christian peers, Roose leaps the God Divide and embeds himself among Liberty’s 10,000 undergraduates, who call themselves “Champions for Christ.” At Liberty, he sings in Reverend Falwell’s church choir, takes classes like Evangelism 101, and makes surprising discoveries about the true nature of America’s culture war. The chronicle of Roose’s journey is timely, hilarious, and thought-provoking, and will inspire and entertain believers and non-believers alike.”
Bottom line: Roose’s journey—and his book—are complex, bold, sometimes wonderful, and for another time and place. But for our purposes, his witness (no religious pun intended) was personal and real; he experienced first-hand what I would term the egregious ridiculousness of what passes for the study of science at Liberty University.
This may be my favorite tidbit that we learn from his book:
“Kevin Roose describes a True or False question on a ‘History of Life’ exam at Liberty University that asks ‘whether Noah's Ark was large enough to accommodate various species of dinosaurs?’ The acceptable Liberty University answer is ‘true’ based on the conjecture that dinosaurs and humans cohabited the earth after the flood—though the professor allows that Noah may have gathered teenage dinosaurs to make more room”
`And elsewhere, on his webpage blog, Roose offers more glimpses into the examination process at Liberty University. This is a direct quotation from Roose’s website:
Here, I’m pasting a partial list of the questions I was asked to answer on the first midterm for that class, ‘CRST 290/History of Life.’ You decide if Liberty’s scientists are holding anything back:
1. True or False: Noah’s Ark was large enough to carry various kinds of dinosaurs.
2. True or False: Science is the only way to truly know truth about the world.
3. True or False: Margaret Sanger [the founder of Planned Parenthood] was a promoter of eugenics [selective breeding, a practice commonly associated with the Nazi Party].
4. True or False: Evolution can be proven using the scientific method.
The correct answers (according to Liberty)!
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
(End Roose excerpt.)
From Liberty University’s own FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS:
Thread: Dragons, Fantasy, and Evolution
“Evolutionists take very limited information and make up the most incredible stories based on what they find. How come they can figure out exactly how dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago, including how they socialized, hunted, courted and mated all based on the sparsest evidence, but they can't solve a criminal case with the same amount of information?”
David DeWitt is the driving force behind the anti-evolution Creationism teaching that goes on at Liberty, and I believe that the excerpted article below tells you everything you need to know about him, for our purposes. You can, of course, dig up more about him, even read his fascinating research papers, but I believe that a great deal is revealed just by reading this excerpt of an interview with DeWitt conducted by John Safarti for Creation Ministries International at Creation.com
Dr. David DeWitt has a B.S. in biochemistry from Michigan State University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience for research in Alzheimer’s Disease from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. For the last 12 years, Dr DeWitt has been teaching biology and creation apologetics at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.
Like many Christians who studied naturalistic science, he explains that at first, “I believed that God used evolution to create and I also believed in billions of years in a harmonizing fashion.” So what changed his mind? He tells us:
“One day, I read Psalm 18:30 and was struck by ‘the word of the Lord is flawless.’ The same is repeated in Psalm 12:6 which I also read the same day. The impact of those verses weighed very heavily on me as I considered the compromise with the Word that I was trying to promote. If the word of the Lord is flawless, then who am I to depart from what it so plainly says? If I claim to believe the Bible and that it is flawless, then I should believe every single word and not pick and choose.”
The other vital issue for Dr DeWitt was the origin of death and suffering, as he explains:
“Evolution requires millions of years of death for natural selection to work its magic for amebas to evolve into college students. But the Bible was clear that death came as a result of Adam’s sin. Therefore, death came after man rather than as a means to make man…
Back to the issue of death and suffering, it’s clear that one of David’s own fields (the study of Alzheimer’s is his specialty) is highly relevant. So I asked, how would he explain Alzheimer’s Disease if there is a God of love? He answered: “The fact that we live in a fallen world is best evidenced by disease. God is love, but He is also holy and just. Since God had given Adam dominion over creation, when Adam sinned, God cursed the whole creation (Genesis 3:19, Romans 8:19–23). I believe that Alzheimer’s Disease is really caused by a breakdown of cellular systems in the brain; a consequence of living in a fallen world.”
We learn from Dr. Dewitt, among many other intriguing theories, two important points. First, that evolution is impossible, because there was no death until Adam sinned in the garden about 6000 years ago (according to Biblical scholars). And secondly, if you are one of the millions coping with the heartbreak of having a loved one afflicted with Alzheimer’s, it is because we live in a fallen world.
Dewitt’s students adore him, though. Listen to some of their comments:
“Dewitt is absolutely brilliant. He really knows what he’s talking about and provides great facts that help dispute the evolutionary lies.”
“I think his testimony is awesome for this class. Once an evolutionist and now a creationist! Can tell he’s passionate about it. But yeah his voice can lull you to sleep. He seems like he just needs a friend.”
“DeWitt may be monotone, but he knows his stuff and loves the Lord. He gets excited about students being interested in the Lord through creation.”
“Dr. DeWitt is a very smart man with a big heart for God. It’s nice to see a scientist taking time to teach others about God’s creative process. He might be a bit monotoned but his lectures are worth a lot after you leave Liberty. The things you learn in this class will aid in fighting anti-creationists.”
Last but not least, you should know that in addition to getting nearly half a billion dollars in Pell Grants, (receiving MORE of your taxpayers dollars than NPR), Liberty University offers one last perk to students who study and proselytize about Creationism. They get to go to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and make fun of it.
Here is it, excerpted per copyright guidelines:
“Liberty University, an evangelical Baptist institution in Lynchburg, Virginia, offers a minor in Creation Studies and teaches the biblical six-day, 24-hour explanation for creation alongside evolution in biology classes,” said David DeWitt, a professor of biology at Liberty. Students discuss what DeWitt views as the flaws in evolutionary theory and in the way most scientists measure the age of fossils.
They plan to become doctors, researchers and professors, but these students from Liberty University, an evangelical school, also believe that God created the Earth in a week, around 6,000 years ago. Each year, a group of biology students at the Christian university based in Lynchburg, Virginia, travels to the Natural History Museum in Washington to learn about a theory they dismiss as incorrect, “Darwin's Theory of Evolution.”
The young Creationists examined a model of the Morganucodon rat, believed to be the first and common ancestor of mammals that appeared some 210 million years ago. Lauren Dunn, 19, a second-year biology student, was unimpressed. “A million years, that’s arbitrary. They put that time to make up for what they don’t know,” she said.
Creationism and evolutionism have different ways of explaining the evidence. The Creationist way recognizes the importance of biblical records, said Marcus Ross, who teaches paleontology. He teaches his students that dinosaurs were wiped from the face of the Earth 4,000 to 5,000 years ago during the flood that Noah survived by building an ark. He says carbon-dating techniques that have been used to suggest the Earth is in fact billions of years old are simply not reliable.
What a wonderful way to spend our tax dollars.
But lest you fear that there is lack of gratitude among these students, these future scientists, we leave this chapter with a few posts from those inspiring Fighting Fundamental Forums. This is what they are being taught at Liberty University, in lieu of evolution. Yes, I think it is fair to say that evolution has come to a screeching halt at Liberty.
“I want to thank you for your excellent post on evolution. I once considered myself to be an atheist, largely because I was deceived by the dirty ol’ devil’s story of evolution. I was taught evolution as a young man by crafty scientists and “teachers” and became blinded by Satan’s lies. I believed that my ancestors were monkeys. It hardened my heart and I was unable to feel Jesus’ love for me and kept me from truly seeing that it was the almighty Lord who created all things in heaven and on earth.
After years of wandering in the valley of sin and despair, kind and loving Christians, like yourselves, helped me to see the truth. They showed me that it’s impossible for a watch just to come into existence. And if it’s impossible for a relatively simple thing as a watch, then it must be impossible for something as complex as life. Life just can’t self assemble over billions of years. My ancestors aren’t monkeys at all. We were all created by the almighty Lord. I couldn’t believe that I had been so deceived by science. It truly is a tool of Satan. I hope someday we can outlaw the teaching of evolution in our public schools. It’s a shame that our public schools are tools for the dirty ol’ devil to distribute his filthy lies.”
May God bless you two wonderful boys.
Your friend in Christ
“If in evolution, only the strong survive, why do the tree hugging nature lovers keep trying to save weak, stupid animals such as whales that beach themselves. Leave them alone and let evolution take its course.”
“Dinosaurs lived in the days of Adam and Eve and were able to live to thousands of years old also and we all know that reptiles never stop growing until they die which accounts for their size. Any disputation on this subject will be gladly argued. I know I’m right.”
And perhaps my favorite one, because it connects sinners with balding, your humble “Wigger” author offers you.
“I don't believe in evolution as taught in our public schools. I believe the God of the Bible did it. We have evolved into something ugly because of our own choices, is my real opinion. Those ruts on our faces and thinning hair could be a result of many years of worry caused by the consequences of our sin. But it is evolution in progress, don’t you agree?”
“Textbooks are Soviet Propaganda”
—Jerry Falwell
"The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible, without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc."
— Jerry Falwell, Finding Inner Peace and Strength.
Did you know that human beings used to ride on dinosaurs?
Bottom line: Liberty University teaches students that the world was created in seven days, that evolution is hogwash, and that the consequences for disagreeing with this stance are harsh, both in this world and the next one. (Just wait till we get to their situational relativistic stand when it comes to sanctioning kidnapping, if it involves taking a little girl away from her gay mother. Go, RICO!)
And if you doubt that all of this is so, the above facts about Liberty University and its stance on evolution are perhaps the most ubiquitously corroborated set of facts I have ever found on the world wide web. Even its founders and practitioners shout it from the mountaintops:
“We with God’s help, want to see hundreds of our graduates go out into the classrooms teaching creationism - of course they’ll be teaching evolution - but teaching why it’s invalid and why it’s foolish, and then showing the proper way and the correct approach to the origin of the species.”
—Jerry Falwell, 1982
“Satan has fathered this monstrous lie of evolution, for he is the father of lies.”
—Henry Morris
Once upon a time, a kid named Kevin Roose, who was a sophomore at Brown University (a liberal institution, to say the least), decided to switch gears in a most radical way, and transfer to Liberty University, the world’s largest evangelical Christian college.
From his website: “Hoping to connect with his conservative Christian peers, Roose leaps the God Divide and embeds himself among Liberty’s 10,000 undergraduates, who call themselves “Champions for Christ.” At Liberty, he sings in Reverend Falwell’s church choir, takes classes like Evangelism 101, and makes surprising discoveries about the true nature of America’s culture war. The chronicle of Roose’s journey is timely, hilarious, and thought-provoking, and will inspire and entertain believers and non-believers alike.”
Bottom line: Roose’s journey—and his book—are complex, bold, sometimes wonderful, and for another time and place. But for our purposes, his witness (no religious pun intended) was personal and real; he experienced first-hand what I would term the egregious ridiculousness of what passes for the study of science at Liberty University.
This may be my favorite tidbit that we learn from his book:
“Kevin Roose describes a True or False question on a ‘History of Life’ exam at Liberty University that asks ‘whether Noah's Ark was large enough to accommodate various species of dinosaurs?’ The acceptable Liberty University answer is ‘true’ based on the conjecture that dinosaurs and humans cohabited the earth after the flood—though the professor allows that Noah may have gathered teenage dinosaurs to make more room”
`And elsewhere, on his webpage blog, Roose offers more glimpses into the examination process at Liberty University. This is a direct quotation from Roose’s website:
Here, I’m pasting a partial list of the questions I was asked to answer on the first midterm for that class, ‘CRST 290/History of Life.’ You decide if Liberty’s scientists are holding anything back:
1. True or False: Noah’s Ark was large enough to carry various kinds of dinosaurs.
2. True or False: Science is the only way to truly know truth about the world.
3. True or False: Margaret Sanger [the founder of Planned Parenthood] was a promoter of eugenics [selective breeding, a practice commonly associated with the Nazi Party].
4. True or False: Evolution can be proven using the scientific method.
The correct answers (according to Liberty)!
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
(End Roose excerpt.)
From Liberty University’s own FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS:
Thread: Dragons, Fantasy, and Evolution
“Evolutionists take very limited information and make up the most incredible stories based on what they find. How come they can figure out exactly how dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago, including how they socialized, hunted, courted and mated all based on the sparsest evidence, but they can't solve a criminal case with the same amount of information?”
David DeWitt is the driving force behind the anti-evolution Creationism teaching that goes on at Liberty, and I believe that the excerpted article below tells you everything you need to know about him, for our purposes. You can, of course, dig up more about him, even read his fascinating research papers, but I believe that a great deal is revealed just by reading this excerpt of an interview with DeWitt conducted by John Safarti for Creation Ministries International at Creation.com
Dr. David DeWitt has a B.S. in biochemistry from Michigan State University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience for research in Alzheimer’s Disease from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. For the last 12 years, Dr DeWitt has been teaching biology and creation apologetics at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.
Like many Christians who studied naturalistic science, he explains that at first, “I believed that God used evolution to create and I also believed in billions of years in a harmonizing fashion.” So what changed his mind? He tells us:
“One day, I read Psalm 18:30 and was struck by ‘the word of the Lord is flawless.’ The same is repeated in Psalm 12:6 which I also read the same day. The impact of those verses weighed very heavily on me as I considered the compromise with the Word that I was trying to promote. If the word of the Lord is flawless, then who am I to depart from what it so plainly says? If I claim to believe the Bible and that it is flawless, then I should believe every single word and not pick and choose.”
The other vital issue for Dr DeWitt was the origin of death and suffering, as he explains:
“Evolution requires millions of years of death for natural selection to work its magic for amebas to evolve into college students. But the Bible was clear that death came as a result of Adam’s sin. Therefore, death came after man rather than as a means to make man…
Back to the issue of death and suffering, it’s clear that one of David’s own fields (the study of Alzheimer’s is his specialty) is highly relevant. So I asked, how would he explain Alzheimer’s Disease if there is a God of love? He answered: “The fact that we live in a fallen world is best evidenced by disease. God is love, but He is also holy and just. Since God had given Adam dominion over creation, when Adam sinned, God cursed the whole creation (Genesis 3:19, Romans 8:19–23). I believe that Alzheimer’s Disease is really caused by a breakdown of cellular systems in the brain; a consequence of living in a fallen world.”
We learn from Dr. Dewitt, among many other intriguing theories, two important points. First, that evolution is impossible, because there was no death until Adam sinned in the garden about 6000 years ago (according to Biblical scholars). And secondly, if you are one of the millions coping with the heartbreak of having a loved one afflicted with Alzheimer’s, it is because we live in a fallen world.
Dewitt’s students adore him, though. Listen to some of their comments:
“Dewitt is absolutely brilliant. He really knows what he’s talking about and provides great facts that help dispute the evolutionary lies.”
“I think his testimony is awesome for this class. Once an evolutionist and now a creationist! Can tell he’s passionate about it. But yeah his voice can lull you to sleep. He seems like he just needs a friend.”
“DeWitt may be monotone, but he knows his stuff and loves the Lord. He gets excited about students being interested in the Lord through creation.”
“Dr. DeWitt is a very smart man with a big heart for God. It’s nice to see a scientist taking time to teach others about God’s creative process. He might be a bit monotoned but his lectures are worth a lot after you leave Liberty. The things you learn in this class will aid in fighting anti-creationists.”
Last but not least, you should know that in addition to getting nearly half a billion dollars in Pell Grants, (receiving MORE of your taxpayers dollars than NPR), Liberty University offers one last perk to students who study and proselytize about Creationism. They get to go to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and make fun of it.
Here is it, excerpted per copyright guidelines:
“Liberty University, an evangelical Baptist institution in Lynchburg, Virginia, offers a minor in Creation Studies and teaches the biblical six-day, 24-hour explanation for creation alongside evolution in biology classes,” said David DeWitt, a professor of biology at Liberty. Students discuss what DeWitt views as the flaws in evolutionary theory and in the way most scientists measure the age of fossils.
They plan to become doctors, researchers and professors, but these students from Liberty University, an evangelical school, also believe that God created the Earth in a week, around 6,000 years ago. Each year, a group of biology students at the Christian university based in Lynchburg, Virginia, travels to the Natural History Museum in Washington to learn about a theory they dismiss as incorrect, “Darwin's Theory of Evolution.”
The young Creationists examined a model of the Morganucodon rat, believed to be the first and common ancestor of mammals that appeared some 210 million years ago. Lauren Dunn, 19, a second-year biology student, was unimpressed. “A million years, that’s arbitrary. They put that time to make up for what they don’t know,” she said.
Creationism and evolutionism have different ways of explaining the evidence. The Creationist way recognizes the importance of biblical records, said Marcus Ross, who teaches paleontology. He teaches his students that dinosaurs were wiped from the face of the Earth 4,000 to 5,000 years ago during the flood that Noah survived by building an ark. He says carbon-dating techniques that have been used to suggest the Earth is in fact billions of years old are simply not reliable.
What a wonderful way to spend our tax dollars.
But lest you fear that there is lack of gratitude among these students, these future scientists, we leave this chapter with a few posts from those inspiring Fighting Fundamental Forums. This is what they are being taught at Liberty University, in lieu of evolution. Yes, I think it is fair to say that evolution has come to a screeching halt at Liberty.
“I want to thank you for your excellent post on evolution. I once considered myself to be an atheist, largely because I was deceived by the dirty ol’ devil’s story of evolution. I was taught evolution as a young man by crafty scientists and “teachers” and became blinded by Satan’s lies. I believed that my ancestors were monkeys. It hardened my heart and I was unable to feel Jesus’ love for me and kept me from truly seeing that it was the almighty Lord who created all things in heaven and on earth.
After years of wandering in the valley of sin and despair, kind and loving Christians, like yourselves, helped me to see the truth. They showed me that it’s impossible for a watch just to come into existence. And if it’s impossible for a relatively simple thing as a watch, then it must be impossible for something as complex as life. Life just can’t self assemble over billions of years. My ancestors aren’t monkeys at all. We were all created by the almighty Lord. I couldn’t believe that I had been so deceived by science. It truly is a tool of Satan. I hope someday we can outlaw the teaching of evolution in our public schools. It’s a shame that our public schools are tools for the dirty ol’ devil to distribute his filthy lies.”
May God bless you two wonderful boys.
Your friend in Christ
“If in evolution, only the strong survive, why do the tree hugging nature lovers keep trying to save weak, stupid animals such as whales that beach themselves. Leave them alone and let evolution take its course.”
“Dinosaurs lived in the days of Adam and Eve and were able to live to thousands of years old also and we all know that reptiles never stop growing until they die which accounts for their size. Any disputation on this subject will be gladly argued. I know I’m right.”
And perhaps my favorite one, because it connects sinners with balding, your humble “Wigger” author offers you.
“I don't believe in evolution as taught in our public schools. I believe the God of the Bible did it. We have evolved into something ugly because of our own choices, is my real opinion. Those ruts on our faces and thinning hair could be a result of many years of worry caused by the consequences of our sin. But it is evolution in progress, don’t you agree?”
“Textbooks are Soviet Propaganda”
—Jerry Falwell