Part Tw0 by Meg Langford
Part Tw0 by Meg Langford

Since a “lynching” is described as the extra-judicial carrying out of a vigilante murder, the author sees fit to label the killings of blacks by police officers who have taken the law into their own hands as “lynchings”. Lynching disguised as “justice”, when no fear for personal safety actually existed. Did you know that Michael Brown ran faster than the fastest human on the planet? Did you know that Freddie Grey’s police van took over half an hour to make a five minute trip? Did you hear about the black man who “hanged himself” on the trailer park swing set? The sheriff stole the coroner’s camera, and the forensic pathologist claimed the suicide was impossible. Yet this story did not even crack national headlines. Imagine if this had happened to a young white female. You will find no more detailed forensic analyses of these murders and their crime scenes, we guarantee.
Read the entire book HERE.
Read the entire book HERE.