
I am still very new to Appomattox. I have been licking my wounds, making a contingency plan, as I try to figure out what the hell happened at the Railroad Festival. Today, I have been invited over by a neighbor.
The most charming silver haired lady, just down the country lane from where I now live, has asked me over for homemade ginger tea and some piping hot cinnamon rolls. She is proud of her little town, and can’t help but effuse about it:
“Oh goodness, you’re going to like it here, dear. It’s much nicer than that town you’re from, Hollywood. Why, there’s lots less cars. No traffic jams at all. And it’s quiet. You can hear the crickets out at night, and see the fireflies light up. What was the last time you collected a jar full of fireflies to read by? And the cost of living is very reasonable--why, I live like a queen, on my pension. And there’s no crime at all. And the countryside is just beautiful. Oh, in fall, it’s just spectacular! And the winters are mild. There’s so many pretty churches to pick from. And the children aren’t misbehaved … and there’s hardly any niggers.”
My smile freezes on my face, my bun half masticated. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
It is a Sunday. A gorgeous Sunday, at that. It is about eleven in the morning at McDonald's, and people are coming in droves from church: clearly, a trip to McDonald's is part of a spoken/unspoken bribe between some parents and their brood, a benign way of getting the kids to be good through the endless Sunday morning sermon. It is a snap to tell the tourists from the locals, and the local kids from the tourist kids. The little local girls wear patent leather shoes and have tiny plastic purses and wear dresses that make them look like flowers. The little local boys look clean and scrubbed and ready for family portraits, but they pull at their jackets and collars and clip-on ties; enough of this already, church is over. The tourist children, by contrast, are in jeans and khakis, toting Dora the Explorer or Star Wars Lego backpacks, and their parents look absolutely beat. (And they haven’t even gotten to the Surrender Site yet.)
I shudder down to my skeleton. This bellowing voice comes from a man I have since privately dubbed BUTTCRACK BOY, (although he's 60 if he's a day), because he is as wide as he is tall, and he wears the hugest shorts I have ever seen. Same pair every day of the warm part of the year, near as I can tell, till the weather cools off and he switches to overalls. His belly hangs over the shorts, and when he stands up to make his long trek to the bathroom, he exposes the longest, most pronounced butt crack I have ever seen, to the poor unsuspecting diners. This and his long, grey, bushy beard, (which is usually festooned with MickeyD food boogers) conspire to make him quite a sight.
Why indeed.
And nearby, the black employees in their paper hats stare at the floor, or at their registers, or at nothing. They are well within earshot of his remarks, the kind of remarks one hears often in this McDonald’s, but what can they do? They need this job. And getting fired would be the least that would happen to them. But to me, the outburst itself is not even the crux of the story.
The more chilling revelation was the way in which the good people of Appomattox, fresh from their fellowship with the Lord, reacted to this vile outburst. Fact is, they did not. Not a flutter. You see, this is accepted parlance in much of Appomattox. In much of public Appomattox, even. When the incidents which prompted this book transpired (i.e., the bizarre behavior of the Visitor Center ladies, and the even more bizarre behavior of none other than the Town Manager himself, Bill Gillespie--arguably the most important and powerful man in town), my friends all had the same reaction: the wicked players in this drama wouldn't have acted like that, done those things, said those things, if they didn't know, if they weren’t absolutely sure, that the town “had their back.” They knew they could get away with it.
Appomattox silently endorses that sort of thing.
And this must be true. Because imagine the reaction that your neighbors and fellow citizens would have if someone belted out “The N Word” in a public place. I am surely thinking--hoping, praying--that in most towns, there would be abundant non-verbal and verbal censure, reprobation, consternation.
There would be, in essence, self-policing.
But not in Appomattox.
Of course, the reaction of the tourists was another matter. But, not surprisingly, when you are off your home turf, and you are observing that Grizzly Adams here is most certainly on his home turf, and being tacitly supported--you don’t confront. There were no open confrontations.
I will never forget the looks on those little tourist kids' faces for as long as I live.
"Last week, Liberty University - the evangelical Christian mega-college founded by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell - made the national news when, while implementing a new funding scheme for student organizations, it revoked approval for the campus Democratic organization …Following a maelstrom of criticism, Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. offered to reinstate the club, providing it aligns itself with a pro-life, anti-gay Democratic group, and not the Democratic Party in general. (Which is kind of like saying that you'll allow penguins at your zoo, but not the black-and-white kind that waddle.)”
--Kevin Roose, Brown University infiltrator (enrolling as student) of Falwells’ Liberty University
This is what happens when a black family puts Obama campaign signs in their front lawn. As reported by WSET TV:
“In a run-up to the vote, a prominent black Appomattox resident’s lawn signs were defaced with the letters KKK and the word NIGGER.”
Granted, this was back in 2008, couple of years before I got there. But it’s not like the Appomattoxins improved with time. The year I got there, white punks were accosting people at the annual fall Railroad Festival, looking for people wearing Obama buttons and chiding “You know he’s a nigger, don’t you?”
See for yourself what pure hate looks like:
I was reaching the point of no return. Although I was a middle aged, middle class, white female, who had sported conservative political leanings while living in Los Angeles, Appomattox and I were clearly at odds.
The ubiquity of “The N Word” in Appomattox was becoming increasingly impossible for me to stomach, as was the way that blacks were treated in that town. I was no longer a happy person. And I believe that I, like anyone else born on this earth, have a sacred right to happiness. Or at least to the pursuit of it.
Then came the aforementioned “incident”. This was not something which happened to me, but to a--how would Steve Giuliano put it?--an uppity black. (More to follow.)
It was time to ask myself some tough questions. Given all that I have shared here so far, I must admit that names like Matthew Shepard and James Byrd were never far from my mind.
The first question led to a flood of answers, and a tsunami of examples.
First, I asked myself, what circumstances--what conditions--need to be in place for a hate crime to occur?
And after immersing myself for several months in some of the more notable hate crimes that have transpired in the American South over the last century, I have come up with a list of criteria. While all of the following elements need not exist in each case, it would appear that any combination of these deeply felt emotions and beliefs are apparently, evidently, all that is required to end a human life.
1.) THE ATTACKER(S) MUST VIEW THE VICTIM AS SUBHUMAN, in order to be willing out carry out an extreme attack, possibly a homicide. And yet even this term does not quite describe the perception required to carry out a hate crime. It is not specific enough to describe what haters are willing to do to the subhuman.
Personally, I believe that the accurate term does not yet exist in the English language, because perpetrators will do things to a “subhuman” that they wouldn’t consider doing to an animal. In case after case, throughout the history of hate crimes, people torture their victims and kill them slowly, yet would never consider causing such deliberate, cruel, and protracted pain to an animal, whether domesticated or wild. Even hunters of game pride themselves on a quick, clean kill. The ghastly truth is this: no such pride exists within the lynch mob; in fact, a kind of demonic pride is taken in prolonging the suffering, as a message for all to witness, a message from which “The Others” might learn fear and submission.
So what are the “subhumans”? They are surely in a class all their own. Animals may be viewed as lesser in some respects, but they are rarely treated as subhumans, even by the haters.
Members of lynch mobs traditionally treasured and pampered their horses and dogs, as well as their children’s beloved pets.
(There are home movies of Hitler playing lovingly with his German Shepherd. The Godfather of organized crime, Lucky Luciano, was a vengeful, torturous killer, but he unabashedly adored his miniature Doberman Pinscher Bambi, whom he spoiled ridiculously. Robert Stroud shot a man in a bar at the age of nineteen, landing him in prison, where he promptly stabbed a guard to death in cold blood. But he spent the next fifty-three years of his life learning everything there was to know about birds, tending to them lovingly over the decades and publishing several books on the subject, earning him the nickname, "Birdman of Alcatraz". The Reverend Jimmy Jones, killer of nine hundred people via poisoned Kool-Aid, was entranced with monkeys prior to moving to Guyana and establishing Jonestown. John F. Kennedy’s killer, Harvey Oswald, was a dog lover, and his own killer--the infamous Jack Ruby--kept his pet dogs as a prominent part of his burlesque club. Before Andrew Cunanan became a brutal murderer, killing five people in three months, culminating with the assassination of Gianni Versace, he grew up chauffeuring his dog around in a Red Flyer wagon. Andrew Luster, heir to the Max Factor fortune, was found guilty of eighty-six criminal charges involving drugging women and raping then on camera, but before he was arrested by a bounty hunter in Puerto Vallarta, he would swim daily with his beloved rescue dog in his backyard pool. Daniel Rakowitz killed his live-in girlfriend, a Swiss dancer whom he killed, cooked, and ate like a trussed bird, yet he kept a pet chicken that he showed off on his walks through Greenwich Village. Go figure.)
The point is painfully clear, yet oxymoronically, leaves too much unexplained. Although some serial killers may demonstrate cruelty to animals in their youth, terrifying numbers of people seem to be able to perpetrate unthinkable torture on humans, while at the same time they would never think of hurting their animal, or any animal.
History keeps repeating itself, and in the next section of "Wigger", we will take a grim look at it: the same soul who might gently scratch his hunting hound behind the ears, or groom his own horse out of pride, would also gleefully prune the fingers off of a black man who is caught in the throws of mob vigilante justice.
It truly remains one of life’s great human mysteries.
Regarding Point One, Subhuman--Appomattox speaks:
“One of last human-only high schools now importing niggers. Their quick decline into violence and savagery now begins.” (CHIMPOUT.COM THREAD TITLE: “One of last human-only high schools now trying to import niggers”)
“I hate spooks and I don’t care who knows.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“It's like they're trying to get as many people sick of niggers in as short a time as possible.” (CHIMPOUT.COM THREAD: “One of last human-only high schools now trying to import niggers”)
“Is that supposed to be an insult or something?” (in reference to having a KKK title conferred) (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Tommy Wade of Rustburg is the New Grand Wizard of the KKK”)
“…Most of us hate stinking blacks around here, so if this were true, then he's ok in my book. You must be a stupid negro or something, but then again you seem to know how to halfway spell, so you're probably not. I guess that just makes you a plain ol' dumbass.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Tommy Wade of Rustburg is the New Grand Wizard of the KKK”)
“Al Sharpton is truly a human turd.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Fyi..most blacks are under handed lying lazy human turds.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Abolish EBT Cards for Lazy Blacks.”)
“Pitiful & Dirty - that pretty much explains it. Lazy, Welfare Collecting, Angry, and to Stupid to know what they believe in. Only angry because they believe they should be given more than they already are. Apparently they are entitled to everything without doing anything … They took the liberty of creating a whole new breed of lazy, goverment leeches…” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
“I think it's a Muslim rite for their women to stink like a whale fart from 40 fathoms down after eating last week's roadkill. Just a side note, I've noticed over the past several years that our local Muslim population is rising quickly. One group bought an old Baptist church building next to the interstate and it is now an Islamic Mosque. I do notice the windows upstairs are always open...maybe they already know their women stink?” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUM THREAD TITLE “Why do Muslim Women Stink?”)
2.) THE POTENTIAL ATTACKER HAS HAD TO MAKE A DECISION NOT TO MIX OR FRATERNIZE WITH “THE OTHER,” thereby rendering any kind of attack much more possible, emotionally. What do human beings do together, after all? They live together, eat together, work together, play together, pray together, celebrate together, love together. But with regards to “The Other”, interaction is shunned.
After all, if a white bigot finds himself neighbor to the new black family on the block (and, I guess, that bigot cannot afford to move out, or get away with burning crosses on his neighbor’s lawn), is it possible for that bigot to maintain his level of hatred, when he has seen his neighbor experience joy, loss, the birth of children, the death of loved ones, or how about the time that the black neighbor somehow “saves his bacon”? As in, jump starts his car, helps drive him to the hospital in the middle of the night, loans him a power tool, loans him money, helps him remove a stump, gets whitey a job when the unexpected layoff comes, drinks with him through the divorce, watches their team win the Super Bowl, helps him dig out from the storm of the century, mourns a pet, finds a missing kid--you get the idea.
Or, consider another example, if one were to fraternize with The Other, as in, a white bigot cop suddenly finds he is assigned to a black partner, Can the bigot maintain the same level of hatred after years of driving together, having his ass saved, being a hero for saving the black man’s ass, talking late into the night during a stake-out, chasing down criminals together, being there for the birth of each other’s children, for the holidays, for the promotions, for the strip clubs, for the bullet wounds, for the losses that are part of life, for the tragedies that are not a matter of “if” but “when”, for the desert that follows spring, and the hope that follows the drought.
No, one cannot assure that the hatred remains virulent, as the haters so enjoy, with such daily proximity--hence, it is crucial that informal segregation and non-fraternization policies both remain firmly, albeit subtly, in place.
Check “Yes” in the Appomattox box--as in, Appomattoxins largely DO shun fraternization and interaction, be it business, social, or spiritual. Generally speaking, having lived two years in Appomattox, I almost never saw fraternization among blacks and whites. One might see blacks and whites working together at the same business, but it was always a sort of corporate blue collar place--WalMart, Kroger--in fact, that was about it. Because they are corporations, they are naturally open to hiring blacks. But small businesses around town were virtually all white. The demographics of Appomattox are frankly skewed compared to the rest of the country, with about 30 percent of the population there being black, as opposed to the U.S. demographic, which has the black population at about 9 percent. Frankly, I found myself wondering where all of the blacks in Appomattox worked. Most small businesses in town were clearly, always, all white.
As for the rest of it: in two years I never saw blacks and whites eating together in public establishments, virtually never saw them fraternizing in public. There was clearly a “black” part of town and a “white” part of town, and perhaps most disturbingly, they never worshipped together. This was a stunner to me, as I was raised traveling the world, primarily going to Presbyterian churches, where the races and ethnicities were represented in all kinds of varieties.
It is a sad and simple truth I have observed: whites do not fraternize with blacks in Appomattox.
Regarding Point Two, Segregating and No Fraternizing--Appomattox speaks:
“I went to a sporting event and the entire team was black save 1. They we sloppy and lost of course. I took my nephew to visit the school and said, NO WAY. There were pictures of Falwell and his NAACP Award, black student union meetings posted, gays who visited, etc. It was creepy.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “How did Liberty Get So Negrofied?”)
“Blakc-lazy stupid free-loading parasites. Lynchburg is overflowing them and VUL recrits them, they are not welcome here.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg
“This city stinks of black ignorance and laziness. It is time to put these animals back in the cage.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Avoid blacks. Move away from them where they cluster and watch them become the crime-ridden, infested "communities" that they always do when white flight occurs. Watch their school systems fail, their politicians become more and more illiterate and their cities crumble, like everywhere that they have free-reign in the earth.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“The EBT fraud that is commited by these apes in Lynchburg is out of control. These towel head store owners need to be locked up too” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Islam is a cult full of heathens and murderers. All this phoney business about them being loving and caring is a pack of lies. These animals are only here to transform america into a muslim nation. Don't trust these dogs - they are evil and born from the devil.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
3) THE ATTACKER/ATTACKERS BELIEVES THAT THE WORLD WILL BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT “THE OTHER.” In a world where the anonymity of the internet is the new Klan Hood, it is apparent from Appomattox Topix Forums and Liberty University Fighting Fundamentalist Forums, as well as the conversations around town and behavior of the whites, that Appomattox and Lynchburg abound with racists who believe that the world would be a better place without blacks, gays, Muslims, Jews, etcetera, anyone whom they would categorize as “The Other.”
Regarding Point Three, Genocide is a good thing--Appomattox speaks:
“Welfare drug dealing slime..let them all starve.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Let these lazy baboons and their "igglets" freaking starve... work or die.” “(TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Abolish EBT Cards for Lazy Blacks.”)
“A blue gum walked out in front of my car this morning on rivermont ave. with ratty dread locks, his pants sagging smoking a joint..I tried to run over the lazy ape but missed by a few inches.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Another black thug robbery attempt today . . .these animals need to be shot dead for this nonsense.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Stupid monkeys were fighting at miller park on Memorial Day..hope the cops start wasting these blue gums or we will.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Send them back to hell where they came from. They don't deserve to take up space here.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“KKK Rally this weekend, Sat. 9pm@ at Wade and Son Garage. Dont let the sun set on your ass spooks..” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Tommy Wade of Rustburg is the New Grand Wizard of the KKK”)
“This thread has been so informative. I always wondered why there were so many Muslim suicide bombers. If I was stuck with women that smelled bad and a religion that made me use rocks for TP I would be so irritated I'd want to blow something up, myself.” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUM THREAD TITLE “Why do Muslim Women Stink?”)
“The people of Redhouse should be ashamed of themselves to let such a criminal organization fester in their town. Are you people that yellow? How many criminals/crimes need to be tied back to this cesspool of Muslim hate, before the people stand up and demand it be removed?” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
“The bullsh*t ‘we are peaceful and just love Allah’ is the tagline they use to infiltrate what they desire to destroy. Islam is just another cult designed to enslave the gullible and ignorant … Mohammed was not a man of god he was a pedophile, a murderer, and a rapist, and a thief…. I'm sure they don't teach the actual history of your leader muslims, if they did who would follow. Many of You are cut from the same cloth as the followers of Jim Jones, they too beleived the lies they were told until they were all slaughtered or commited suicide for their prophet. I can only hope and pray that your cult ends with the stench of the rotting corpses that truly beleived all of the lies …” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
4.) BEYOND BELIEVING THAT THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT “THE OTHER,” IN ORDER FOR A HATE CRIME TO OCCUR, THE PERPETRATOR(S) MUST SEE THIS AS A KIND OF WAR, AND SO WHATEVER IS PERPETRATED AGAINST THE ENEMY IS JUSTIFIED: BATTLES, SKIRMISHES, GUERILLA WARFARE, ETCETERA. Often times, the perpetrator is willing to go down for the crime if necessary, precisely because this is a war, thereby rendering the personal sacrifice “noble.” This is a “race war”, a “turf war”, a “religious war”, etcetera. And always, always, with wickedly and egregiously flawed views of good versus evil.
Regarding Point Four, This is War--Appomattox speaks:
“Arm yourselves and be ready to defend your own tribe. Our future is in our white children. Your ancestors DNA and genetic memory flows through them. Honor them and raise them to know and have pride in their ancestory. Neveer let anyone tell you to be ashamed, or to use religion as an excuse to roll over and die.” TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“What about those niggers, what can be done about them? Forced showers and sterilization anyone?” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“They steal from my store and I plan to shoot the next negro that does it as well. Send the black ass to the grave.” (TOPIX.COM TITLE, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Kill these stinking spooks!” (TOPIX.COM TITLE, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Just unloaded 12 rounds in 2 coons a$$ breaking in my shed..thanks Obama..Black POS!!” (TOPIX.COM TITLE, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Lynchburg is a hive for biggoty lazy freeloading drug dealing stinky blacks on welfare. I am bringing in some hardcore soldiers with the KKK from surrounding areas to help clean up this ghetto city.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Ah, no crime in stringing people up in trees where I'm from. Burning crosses are a right of passage here! Come on down!” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “State of Virginia to issue public apology for Slavery.")
“Wade tried to drag one behind his truck one night over at the old Gatsbys after he beat that spook half to death.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Tommy Wade of Rustburg is the New Grand Wizard of the KKK”)
“You pole will be dragged by a truck this weekend.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage.”)
"QUESTION: Do you want all blacks wiped out from the face of the earth, is that it? ANSWER: Maybe only 30 million lazy and dumb ones out of the 40 million. That is the only way we would have peace. (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“We'll kill every damn one of you, you filthy cock roaches.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
5.) THERE IS TYPICALLY A BELIEF THAT THE COMMUNITY AND/OR THE CHURCH WILL CONDONE THE CRIME, AND WILL HELP COVER OR HIDE THE CRIME; “WE GOT YOUR BACK” IS THE IMPLICIT PHILOSOPHY. Investigations of hate crimes are often shoddy, if not an outright joke. After all, if a hate crime is carefully planned, what are the odds of getting caught by less than enthusiastic law enforcement or political leadership?
First of all, according to national statistics, over 40% of all murders don’t get solved at all. And in terms of violent attacks which do not end in murder, I am sure that the percentage of unsolved crimes is even greater, because the authorities would most likely have less resources available to them, and possibly less incentive, to solve an attack as opposed to a homicide. Also, one is less likely to report an attack than a homicide. So, with over 40% of all murders going unsolved, let’s face it, you have almost a fifty-fifty chance from the outset that you will get away with murder in this great country of ours.
Add to that the fact that “country living” (or maybe we should call it “country killing”)--and frankly, “country” is the geography and topography we are dealing with in this crime discussion--lends itself to getting away with crime more than city life: there are far fewer witnesses per square foot, acre, hectare, mile, whatever. And there are a hell of a lot more places, remote places, to hide a body.
Add to that the fact that in small rural towns, everybody is pretty much related to everybody, and often there is more of a reluctance to investigate crimes, because you may end up sending your cousin to death row. I am not trying to go all “Deliverance” on everybody here, I am simply stating truths and facts that any small town dweller will corroborate.
So, vis-à-vis the matter of a belief that one can get away with the murder or attack--check YES in the Appomattox box.
Regarding Point Five: Town and Church …They got my back--Appomattox speaks:
“When God has draw a line of distinction, we should not attempt to cross that line. The true Negro does not want integration.” Quotation by Jerry Farwell (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL THREAD TITLE: Can a member of the KKK be a genuine Christian?”)
“Didn't Muhammed show up on the scene centuries after the birth of Christ (the Messiah)? Correct me if I'm wrong. I see Islam as being the government of the Antichrist...the false christ and his one-world, evil government. Too bad it doesn't last more than six years before the real King of Kings comes down and kicks butt. I guess then you'll know who God really is…” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
“Well, if Lot could have sex with his daughters, Moses could murder, David could murder and commit adulterer, Adam plunged the entire universe into sin, today Christians gossip, lie, steal, cheat, hate, etc. ….YEP!” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS, LIBERTY UNIV ERSITY, THREAD TITLE: (Can you be a member of the KKK and be right with God?")
“It is ironic that all you satanists will end up in Hell, all the Cathlicks, Jews, Mooslims, Budhists, rapists, pedophiles, thiefs, and liars.” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY, THREAD TITLE: "A Jew and a Catholic.")
“There's nothing ungodly about a death penalty for the crime of homosexual activity, as God Himself once instituted it for His covenant people in their civil code. To condemn the punishment would be to attack the righteous character of God. This bears out in the eternal sentence of fiery damnation for those unrepentant of this sin--Physical death pales in comparison to the eternal death that awaits the unrepentant guilty.” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS, LIBERTY UNIV ERSITY, THREAD TITLE: “After evangelical U.S. men visit, Uganda eyes death for gays.”)
“Anyone who reads the Christian Bible, AV 1611 only, knows that our baby Jesus hates the homofags (Ps 5:5) and would much prefer that we isolate them from the rest of society and make their very existence to be a capital punishment. Christians must wholeheartedly celebrate this victory against satan and his homofaggot minions. And we need to continue our work of ridding our communities and our country as a whole of the homos, Cathlicks, lieberals, and the rest of them heathens. Glory! By Deacon Dixie” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY, THREAD TITLE: Congratulations to North Carolina true Christians for successeding in fag marriage ban!)
(“Wigger” Author’s Note: Deacon Dixie’s profile describes his/her interests as Readng the Bible, target practice, and preaching. Seriously, it does.)
“Faithful Word Baptist Church on MSNBC! Our church was talked about on MSNBC tonight. Baptist Pastor Prays For President Obama To Die & Go To Hell. While we're out it we'll make sure to pray for the queers to die as well. If Barack Obama & all the queers died tonight then this country would be a much better place.”
Wigger Author‘s note: see the Hitlerian rant for yourself on you tube--
There is also final factor, a ubiquitous and pesky little helper from the devil that lubricates such crimes along: liquor, a meth pipe, or a healthy handful of prescription drugs. Not only does being under the (temporarily) empowering influence of crank or Jack Daniels help solidify the perception on Point Number 5 above … “Sure, I can get away with this ass kicking, the putting of the nigger in his place, this murder under a not-quite-full moon …” But the booze also enlarges the vision of the attacker as a knight carrying out Points One and Two: “ … this subhuman, this Other, is the real problem, and here I have an opportunity to do something about it …”
So, scary as it might seem, Appomattox, and towns like it, are actually the exact kinds of towns where the worst kind of hate crimes can occur, because the factors that were apparent in hate crimes that did transpire in the past are very much alive and festering in Appomattox today.
It grieves me to say that. I wonder if it endangers me to say that.
Here ends the excerpt.
I am still very new to Appomattox. I have been licking my wounds, making a contingency plan, as I try to figure out what the hell happened at the Railroad Festival. Today, I have been invited over by a neighbor.
The most charming silver haired lady, just down the country lane from where I now live, has asked me over for homemade ginger tea and some piping hot cinnamon rolls. She is proud of her little town, and can’t help but effuse about it:
“Oh goodness, you’re going to like it here, dear. It’s much nicer than that town you’re from, Hollywood. Why, there’s lots less cars. No traffic jams at all. And it’s quiet. You can hear the crickets out at night, and see the fireflies light up. What was the last time you collected a jar full of fireflies to read by? And the cost of living is very reasonable--why, I live like a queen, on my pension. And there’s no crime at all. And the countryside is just beautiful. Oh, in fall, it’s just spectacular! And the winters are mild. There’s so many pretty churches to pick from. And the children aren’t misbehaved … and there’s hardly any niggers.”
My smile freezes on my face, my bun half masticated. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
It is a Sunday. A gorgeous Sunday, at that. It is about eleven in the morning at McDonald's, and people are coming in droves from church: clearly, a trip to McDonald's is part of a spoken/unspoken bribe between some parents and their brood, a benign way of getting the kids to be good through the endless Sunday morning sermon. It is a snap to tell the tourists from the locals, and the local kids from the tourist kids. The little local girls wear patent leather shoes and have tiny plastic purses and wear dresses that make them look like flowers. The little local boys look clean and scrubbed and ready for family portraits, but they pull at their jackets and collars and clip-on ties; enough of this already, church is over. The tourist children, by contrast, are in jeans and khakis, toting Dora the Explorer or Star Wars Lego backpacks, and their parents look absolutely beat. (And they haven’t even gotten to the Surrender Site yet.)
I shudder down to my skeleton. This bellowing voice comes from a man I have since privately dubbed BUTTCRACK BOY, (although he's 60 if he's a day), because he is as wide as he is tall, and he wears the hugest shorts I have ever seen. Same pair every day of the warm part of the year, near as I can tell, till the weather cools off and he switches to overalls. His belly hangs over the shorts, and when he stands up to make his long trek to the bathroom, he exposes the longest, most pronounced butt crack I have ever seen, to the poor unsuspecting diners. This and his long, grey, bushy beard, (which is usually festooned with MickeyD food boogers) conspire to make him quite a sight.
Why indeed.
And nearby, the black employees in their paper hats stare at the floor, or at their registers, or at nothing. They are well within earshot of his remarks, the kind of remarks one hears often in this McDonald’s, but what can they do? They need this job. And getting fired would be the least that would happen to them. But to me, the outburst itself is not even the crux of the story.
The more chilling revelation was the way in which the good people of Appomattox, fresh from their fellowship with the Lord, reacted to this vile outburst. Fact is, they did not. Not a flutter. You see, this is accepted parlance in much of Appomattox. In much of public Appomattox, even. When the incidents which prompted this book transpired (i.e., the bizarre behavior of the Visitor Center ladies, and the even more bizarre behavior of none other than the Town Manager himself, Bill Gillespie--arguably the most important and powerful man in town), my friends all had the same reaction: the wicked players in this drama wouldn't have acted like that, done those things, said those things, if they didn't know, if they weren’t absolutely sure, that the town “had their back.” They knew they could get away with it.
Appomattox silently endorses that sort of thing.
And this must be true. Because imagine the reaction that your neighbors and fellow citizens would have if someone belted out “The N Word” in a public place. I am surely thinking--hoping, praying--that in most towns, there would be abundant non-verbal and verbal censure, reprobation, consternation.
There would be, in essence, self-policing.
But not in Appomattox.
Of course, the reaction of the tourists was another matter. But, not surprisingly, when you are off your home turf, and you are observing that Grizzly Adams here is most certainly on his home turf, and being tacitly supported--you don’t confront. There were no open confrontations.
I will never forget the looks on those little tourist kids' faces for as long as I live.
"Last week, Liberty University - the evangelical Christian mega-college founded by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell - made the national news when, while implementing a new funding scheme for student organizations, it revoked approval for the campus Democratic organization …Following a maelstrom of criticism, Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. offered to reinstate the club, providing it aligns itself with a pro-life, anti-gay Democratic group, and not the Democratic Party in general. (Which is kind of like saying that you'll allow penguins at your zoo, but not the black-and-white kind that waddle.)”
--Kevin Roose, Brown University infiltrator (enrolling as student) of Falwells’ Liberty University
This is what happens when a black family puts Obama campaign signs in their front lawn. As reported by WSET TV:
“In a run-up to the vote, a prominent black Appomattox resident’s lawn signs were defaced with the letters KKK and the word NIGGER.”
Granted, this was back in 2008, couple of years before I got there. But it’s not like the Appomattoxins improved with time. The year I got there, white punks were accosting people at the annual fall Railroad Festival, looking for people wearing Obama buttons and chiding “You know he’s a nigger, don’t you?”
See for yourself what pure hate looks like:
I was reaching the point of no return. Although I was a middle aged, middle class, white female, who had sported conservative political leanings while living in Los Angeles, Appomattox and I were clearly at odds.
The ubiquity of “The N Word” in Appomattox was becoming increasingly impossible for me to stomach, as was the way that blacks were treated in that town. I was no longer a happy person. And I believe that I, like anyone else born on this earth, have a sacred right to happiness. Or at least to the pursuit of it.
Then came the aforementioned “incident”. This was not something which happened to me, but to a--how would Steve Giuliano put it?--an uppity black. (More to follow.)
It was time to ask myself some tough questions. Given all that I have shared here so far, I must admit that names like Matthew Shepard and James Byrd were never far from my mind.
The first question led to a flood of answers, and a tsunami of examples.
First, I asked myself, what circumstances--what conditions--need to be in place for a hate crime to occur?
And after immersing myself for several months in some of the more notable hate crimes that have transpired in the American South over the last century, I have come up with a list of criteria. While all of the following elements need not exist in each case, it would appear that any combination of these deeply felt emotions and beliefs are apparently, evidently, all that is required to end a human life.
1.) THE ATTACKER(S) MUST VIEW THE VICTIM AS SUBHUMAN, in order to be willing out carry out an extreme attack, possibly a homicide. And yet even this term does not quite describe the perception required to carry out a hate crime. It is not specific enough to describe what haters are willing to do to the subhuman.
Personally, I believe that the accurate term does not yet exist in the English language, because perpetrators will do things to a “subhuman” that they wouldn’t consider doing to an animal. In case after case, throughout the history of hate crimes, people torture their victims and kill them slowly, yet would never consider causing such deliberate, cruel, and protracted pain to an animal, whether domesticated or wild. Even hunters of game pride themselves on a quick, clean kill. The ghastly truth is this: no such pride exists within the lynch mob; in fact, a kind of demonic pride is taken in prolonging the suffering, as a message for all to witness, a message from which “The Others” might learn fear and submission.
So what are the “subhumans”? They are surely in a class all their own. Animals may be viewed as lesser in some respects, but they are rarely treated as subhumans, even by the haters.
Members of lynch mobs traditionally treasured and pampered their horses and dogs, as well as their children’s beloved pets.
(There are home movies of Hitler playing lovingly with his German Shepherd. The Godfather of organized crime, Lucky Luciano, was a vengeful, torturous killer, but he unabashedly adored his miniature Doberman Pinscher Bambi, whom he spoiled ridiculously. Robert Stroud shot a man in a bar at the age of nineteen, landing him in prison, where he promptly stabbed a guard to death in cold blood. But he spent the next fifty-three years of his life learning everything there was to know about birds, tending to them lovingly over the decades and publishing several books on the subject, earning him the nickname, "Birdman of Alcatraz". The Reverend Jimmy Jones, killer of nine hundred people via poisoned Kool-Aid, was entranced with monkeys prior to moving to Guyana and establishing Jonestown. John F. Kennedy’s killer, Harvey Oswald, was a dog lover, and his own killer--the infamous Jack Ruby--kept his pet dogs as a prominent part of his burlesque club. Before Andrew Cunanan became a brutal murderer, killing five people in three months, culminating with the assassination of Gianni Versace, he grew up chauffeuring his dog around in a Red Flyer wagon. Andrew Luster, heir to the Max Factor fortune, was found guilty of eighty-six criminal charges involving drugging women and raping then on camera, but before he was arrested by a bounty hunter in Puerto Vallarta, he would swim daily with his beloved rescue dog in his backyard pool. Daniel Rakowitz killed his live-in girlfriend, a Swiss dancer whom he killed, cooked, and ate like a trussed bird, yet he kept a pet chicken that he showed off on his walks through Greenwich Village. Go figure.)
The point is painfully clear, yet oxymoronically, leaves too much unexplained. Although some serial killers may demonstrate cruelty to animals in their youth, terrifying numbers of people seem to be able to perpetrate unthinkable torture on humans, while at the same time they would never think of hurting their animal, or any animal.
History keeps repeating itself, and in the next section of "Wigger", we will take a grim look at it: the same soul who might gently scratch his hunting hound behind the ears, or groom his own horse out of pride, would also gleefully prune the fingers off of a black man who is caught in the throws of mob vigilante justice.
It truly remains one of life’s great human mysteries.
Regarding Point One, Subhuman--Appomattox speaks:
“One of last human-only high schools now importing niggers. Their quick decline into violence and savagery now begins.” (CHIMPOUT.COM THREAD TITLE: “One of last human-only high schools now trying to import niggers”)
“I hate spooks and I don’t care who knows.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“It's like they're trying to get as many people sick of niggers in as short a time as possible.” (CHIMPOUT.COM THREAD: “One of last human-only high schools now trying to import niggers”)
“Is that supposed to be an insult or something?” (in reference to having a KKK title conferred) (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Tommy Wade of Rustburg is the New Grand Wizard of the KKK”)
“…Most of us hate stinking blacks around here, so if this were true, then he's ok in my book. You must be a stupid negro or something, but then again you seem to know how to halfway spell, so you're probably not. I guess that just makes you a plain ol' dumbass.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Tommy Wade of Rustburg is the New Grand Wizard of the KKK”)
“Al Sharpton is truly a human turd.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Fyi..most blacks are under handed lying lazy human turds.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Abolish EBT Cards for Lazy Blacks.”)
“Pitiful & Dirty - that pretty much explains it. Lazy, Welfare Collecting, Angry, and to Stupid to know what they believe in. Only angry because they believe they should be given more than they already are. Apparently they are entitled to everything without doing anything … They took the liberty of creating a whole new breed of lazy, goverment leeches…” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
“I think it's a Muslim rite for their women to stink like a whale fart from 40 fathoms down after eating last week's roadkill. Just a side note, I've noticed over the past several years that our local Muslim population is rising quickly. One group bought an old Baptist church building next to the interstate and it is now an Islamic Mosque. I do notice the windows upstairs are always open...maybe they already know their women stink?” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUM THREAD TITLE “Why do Muslim Women Stink?”)
2.) THE POTENTIAL ATTACKER HAS HAD TO MAKE A DECISION NOT TO MIX OR FRATERNIZE WITH “THE OTHER,” thereby rendering any kind of attack much more possible, emotionally. What do human beings do together, after all? They live together, eat together, work together, play together, pray together, celebrate together, love together. But with regards to “The Other”, interaction is shunned.
After all, if a white bigot finds himself neighbor to the new black family on the block (and, I guess, that bigot cannot afford to move out, or get away with burning crosses on his neighbor’s lawn), is it possible for that bigot to maintain his level of hatred, when he has seen his neighbor experience joy, loss, the birth of children, the death of loved ones, or how about the time that the black neighbor somehow “saves his bacon”? As in, jump starts his car, helps drive him to the hospital in the middle of the night, loans him a power tool, loans him money, helps him remove a stump, gets whitey a job when the unexpected layoff comes, drinks with him through the divorce, watches their team win the Super Bowl, helps him dig out from the storm of the century, mourns a pet, finds a missing kid--you get the idea.
Or, consider another example, if one were to fraternize with The Other, as in, a white bigot cop suddenly finds he is assigned to a black partner, Can the bigot maintain the same level of hatred after years of driving together, having his ass saved, being a hero for saving the black man’s ass, talking late into the night during a stake-out, chasing down criminals together, being there for the birth of each other’s children, for the holidays, for the promotions, for the strip clubs, for the bullet wounds, for the losses that are part of life, for the tragedies that are not a matter of “if” but “when”, for the desert that follows spring, and the hope that follows the drought.
No, one cannot assure that the hatred remains virulent, as the haters so enjoy, with such daily proximity--hence, it is crucial that informal segregation and non-fraternization policies both remain firmly, albeit subtly, in place.
Check “Yes” in the Appomattox box--as in, Appomattoxins largely DO shun fraternization and interaction, be it business, social, or spiritual. Generally speaking, having lived two years in Appomattox, I almost never saw fraternization among blacks and whites. One might see blacks and whites working together at the same business, but it was always a sort of corporate blue collar place--WalMart, Kroger--in fact, that was about it. Because they are corporations, they are naturally open to hiring blacks. But small businesses around town were virtually all white. The demographics of Appomattox are frankly skewed compared to the rest of the country, with about 30 percent of the population there being black, as opposed to the U.S. demographic, which has the black population at about 9 percent. Frankly, I found myself wondering where all of the blacks in Appomattox worked. Most small businesses in town were clearly, always, all white.
As for the rest of it: in two years I never saw blacks and whites eating together in public establishments, virtually never saw them fraternizing in public. There was clearly a “black” part of town and a “white” part of town, and perhaps most disturbingly, they never worshipped together. This was a stunner to me, as I was raised traveling the world, primarily going to Presbyterian churches, where the races and ethnicities were represented in all kinds of varieties.
It is a sad and simple truth I have observed: whites do not fraternize with blacks in Appomattox.
Regarding Point Two, Segregating and No Fraternizing--Appomattox speaks:
“I went to a sporting event and the entire team was black save 1. They we sloppy and lost of course. I took my nephew to visit the school and said, NO WAY. There were pictures of Falwell and his NAACP Award, black student union meetings posted, gays who visited, etc. It was creepy.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “How did Liberty Get So Negrofied?”)
“Blakc-lazy stupid free-loading parasites. Lynchburg is overflowing them and VUL recrits them, they are not welcome here.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg
“This city stinks of black ignorance and laziness. It is time to put these animals back in the cage.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Avoid blacks. Move away from them where they cluster and watch them become the crime-ridden, infested "communities" that they always do when white flight occurs. Watch their school systems fail, their politicians become more and more illiterate and their cities crumble, like everywhere that they have free-reign in the earth.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“The EBT fraud that is commited by these apes in Lynchburg is out of control. These towel head store owners need to be locked up too” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Islam is a cult full of heathens and murderers. All this phoney business about them being loving and caring is a pack of lies. These animals are only here to transform america into a muslim nation. Don't trust these dogs - they are evil and born from the devil.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
3) THE ATTACKER/ATTACKERS BELIEVES THAT THE WORLD WILL BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT “THE OTHER.” In a world where the anonymity of the internet is the new Klan Hood, it is apparent from Appomattox Topix Forums and Liberty University Fighting Fundamentalist Forums, as well as the conversations around town and behavior of the whites, that Appomattox and Lynchburg abound with racists who believe that the world would be a better place without blacks, gays, Muslims, Jews, etcetera, anyone whom they would categorize as “The Other.”
Regarding Point Three, Genocide is a good thing--Appomattox speaks:
“Welfare drug dealing slime..let them all starve.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Let these lazy baboons and their "igglets" freaking starve... work or die.” “(TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Abolish EBT Cards for Lazy Blacks.”)
“A blue gum walked out in front of my car this morning on rivermont ave. with ratty dread locks, his pants sagging smoking a joint..I tried to run over the lazy ape but missed by a few inches.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Another black thug robbery attempt today . . .these animals need to be shot dead for this nonsense.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Stupid monkeys were fighting at miller park on Memorial Day..hope the cops start wasting these blue gums or we will.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Send them back to hell where they came from. They don't deserve to take up space here.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“KKK Rally this weekend, Sat. 9pm@ at Wade and Son Garage. Dont let the sun set on your ass spooks..” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Tommy Wade of Rustburg is the New Grand Wizard of the KKK”)
“This thread has been so informative. I always wondered why there were so many Muslim suicide bombers. If I was stuck with women that smelled bad and a religion that made me use rocks for TP I would be so irritated I'd want to blow something up, myself.” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUM THREAD TITLE “Why do Muslim Women Stink?”)
“The people of Redhouse should be ashamed of themselves to let such a criminal organization fester in their town. Are you people that yellow? How many criminals/crimes need to be tied back to this cesspool of Muslim hate, before the people stand up and demand it be removed?” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
“The bullsh*t ‘we are peaceful and just love Allah’ is the tagline they use to infiltrate what they desire to destroy. Islam is just another cult designed to enslave the gullible and ignorant … Mohammed was not a man of god he was a pedophile, a murderer, and a rapist, and a thief…. I'm sure they don't teach the actual history of your leader muslims, if they did who would follow. Many of You are cut from the same cloth as the followers of Jim Jones, they too beleived the lies they were told until they were all slaughtered or commited suicide for their prophet. I can only hope and pray that your cult ends with the stench of the rotting corpses that truly beleived all of the lies …” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
4.) BEYOND BELIEVING THAT THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT “THE OTHER,” IN ORDER FOR A HATE CRIME TO OCCUR, THE PERPETRATOR(S) MUST SEE THIS AS A KIND OF WAR, AND SO WHATEVER IS PERPETRATED AGAINST THE ENEMY IS JUSTIFIED: BATTLES, SKIRMISHES, GUERILLA WARFARE, ETCETERA. Often times, the perpetrator is willing to go down for the crime if necessary, precisely because this is a war, thereby rendering the personal sacrifice “noble.” This is a “race war”, a “turf war”, a “religious war”, etcetera. And always, always, with wickedly and egregiously flawed views of good versus evil.
Regarding Point Four, This is War--Appomattox speaks:
“Arm yourselves and be ready to defend your own tribe. Our future is in our white children. Your ancestors DNA and genetic memory flows through them. Honor them and raise them to know and have pride in their ancestory. Neveer let anyone tell you to be ashamed, or to use religion as an excuse to roll over and die.” TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“What about those niggers, what can be done about them? Forced showers and sterilization anyone?” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“They steal from my store and I plan to shoot the next negro that does it as well. Send the black ass to the grave.” (TOPIX.COM TITLE, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Kill these stinking spooks!” (TOPIX.COM TITLE, APPOMATTOX THREAD: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Just unloaded 12 rounds in 2 coons a$$ breaking in my shed..thanks Obama..Black POS!!” (TOPIX.COM TITLE, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Lynchburg is a hive for biggoty lazy freeloading drug dealing stinky blacks on welfare. I am bringing in some hardcore soldiers with the KKK from surrounding areas to help clean up this ghetto city.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“Ah, no crime in stringing people up in trees where I'm from. Burning crosses are a right of passage here! Come on down!” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “State of Virginia to issue public apology for Slavery.")
“Wade tried to drag one behind his truck one night over at the old Gatsbys after he beat that spook half to death.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Tommy Wade of Rustburg is the New Grand Wizard of the KKK”)
“You pole will be dragged by a truck this weekend.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage.”)
"QUESTION: Do you want all blacks wiped out from the face of the earth, is that it? ANSWER: Maybe only 30 million lazy and dumb ones out of the 40 million. That is the only way we would have peace. (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE: “Ignorant, Lazy Blacks in Lynchburg”)
“We'll kill every damn one of you, you filthy cock roaches.” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
5.) THERE IS TYPICALLY A BELIEF THAT THE COMMUNITY AND/OR THE CHURCH WILL CONDONE THE CRIME, AND WILL HELP COVER OR HIDE THE CRIME; “WE GOT YOUR BACK” IS THE IMPLICIT PHILOSOPHY. Investigations of hate crimes are often shoddy, if not an outright joke. After all, if a hate crime is carefully planned, what are the odds of getting caught by less than enthusiastic law enforcement or political leadership?
First of all, according to national statistics, over 40% of all murders don’t get solved at all. And in terms of violent attacks which do not end in murder, I am sure that the percentage of unsolved crimes is even greater, because the authorities would most likely have less resources available to them, and possibly less incentive, to solve an attack as opposed to a homicide. Also, one is less likely to report an attack than a homicide. So, with over 40% of all murders going unsolved, let’s face it, you have almost a fifty-fifty chance from the outset that you will get away with murder in this great country of ours.
Add to that the fact that “country living” (or maybe we should call it “country killing”)--and frankly, “country” is the geography and topography we are dealing with in this crime discussion--lends itself to getting away with crime more than city life: there are far fewer witnesses per square foot, acre, hectare, mile, whatever. And there are a hell of a lot more places, remote places, to hide a body.
Add to that the fact that in small rural towns, everybody is pretty much related to everybody, and often there is more of a reluctance to investigate crimes, because you may end up sending your cousin to death row. I am not trying to go all “Deliverance” on everybody here, I am simply stating truths and facts that any small town dweller will corroborate.
So, vis-à-vis the matter of a belief that one can get away with the murder or attack--check YES in the Appomattox box.
Regarding Point Five: Town and Church …They got my back--Appomattox speaks:
“When God has draw a line of distinction, we should not attempt to cross that line. The true Negro does not want integration.” Quotation by Jerry Farwell (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL THREAD TITLE: Can a member of the KKK be a genuine Christian?”)
“Didn't Muhammed show up on the scene centuries after the birth of Christ (the Messiah)? Correct me if I'm wrong. I see Islam as being the government of the Antichrist...the false christ and his one-world, evil government. Too bad it doesn't last more than six years before the real King of Kings comes down and kicks butt. I guess then you'll know who God really is…” (TOPIX.COM, APPOMATTOX THREAD TITLE “Redhouse, Virginia has radical Muslim training camp”)
“Well, if Lot could have sex with his daughters, Moses could murder, David could murder and commit adulterer, Adam plunged the entire universe into sin, today Christians gossip, lie, steal, cheat, hate, etc. ….YEP!” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS, LIBERTY UNIV ERSITY, THREAD TITLE: (Can you be a member of the KKK and be right with God?")
“It is ironic that all you satanists will end up in Hell, all the Cathlicks, Jews, Mooslims, Budhists, rapists, pedophiles, thiefs, and liars.” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY, THREAD TITLE: "A Jew and a Catholic.")
“There's nothing ungodly about a death penalty for the crime of homosexual activity, as God Himself once instituted it for His covenant people in their civil code. To condemn the punishment would be to attack the righteous character of God. This bears out in the eternal sentence of fiery damnation for those unrepentant of this sin--Physical death pales in comparison to the eternal death that awaits the unrepentant guilty.” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS, LIBERTY UNIV ERSITY, THREAD TITLE: “After evangelical U.S. men visit, Uganda eyes death for gays.”)
“Anyone who reads the Christian Bible, AV 1611 only, knows that our baby Jesus hates the homofags (Ps 5:5) and would much prefer that we isolate them from the rest of society and make their very existence to be a capital punishment. Christians must wholeheartedly celebrate this victory against satan and his homofaggot minions. And we need to continue our work of ridding our communities and our country as a whole of the homos, Cathlicks, lieberals, and the rest of them heathens. Glory! By Deacon Dixie” (FIGHTING FUNDAMENTAL FORUMS, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY, THREAD TITLE: Congratulations to North Carolina true Christians for successeding in fag marriage ban!)
(“Wigger” Author’s Note: Deacon Dixie’s profile describes his/her interests as Readng the Bible, target practice, and preaching. Seriously, it does.)
“Faithful Word Baptist Church on MSNBC! Our church was talked about on MSNBC tonight. Baptist Pastor Prays For President Obama To Die & Go To Hell. While we're out it we'll make sure to pray for the queers to die as well. If Barack Obama & all the queers died tonight then this country would be a much better place.”
Wigger Author‘s note: see the Hitlerian rant for yourself on you tube--
There is also final factor, a ubiquitous and pesky little helper from the devil that lubricates such crimes along: liquor, a meth pipe, or a healthy handful of prescription drugs. Not only does being under the (temporarily) empowering influence of crank or Jack Daniels help solidify the perception on Point Number 5 above … “Sure, I can get away with this ass kicking, the putting of the nigger in his place, this murder under a not-quite-full moon …” But the booze also enlarges the vision of the attacker as a knight carrying out Points One and Two: “ … this subhuman, this Other, is the real problem, and here I have an opportunity to do something about it …”
So, scary as it might seem, Appomattox, and towns like it, are actually the exact kinds of towns where the worst kind of hate crimes can occur, because the factors that were apparent in hate crimes that did transpire in the past are very much alive and festering in Appomattox today.
It grieves me to say that. I wonder if it endangers me to say that.
Here ends the excerpt.