Woman Wine
WOMAN WINE: (novella) A somewhat mad scientist, working with his team at the Hadron Collider, witnesses the tragic death of a colleague in a grisly accident. And with that death, the team miraculously witnesses the appearance of a soul, in the form of energy waves and particles, on the monitor. This handful of scientists knows what nobody else on the planet knows: it is possible to capture and contain a human soul. Then, serendipity strikes: Frankie is at a wine seminar, studying his favorite hobby, when he learns that wine can be improved by a process of oxygenation, whereby the wine is infused with molecules of O2. In a crazed epiphany, he realizes that he can, via oxygen, infuse a woman’s soul into a vintage of wine. The results are wild, marvelous, and terrifying, as the world wants the wine, and the Dark Web figures a way to make more wine faster. Dark. Original. Trippy. It will make you crave a drop or two. . . . . Ghosts, Skull & Bones Society, and nary a hangover in sight.
Read the entire book HERE.
Read the entire book HERE.